PSR baby steps

I was recently accepted as Mentor within the awesome (a phrase I normally detest, but felt was spot on in the current context) NOVA program at Acando. After the merger with Connecta we expanded our portfolio with a number of great initiatives, and one sticking out like a sore thumb is the structured way of introducing exceptional young talent into the Professional Services Industry. It is branded the NOVA program and gives young professionals a jump start into the work space. Mentoring is an integral part of any solid trainee program and NOVA is no exception. Personally I am just proud to be part of it all.

I get weird questions regarding my engagement though.

“I thought you had more than enough on your plate as it is, so what’s in it for you?”

“Why would you want to take on additional work that you don’t even get paid for?”

Two seemingly rational questions, but also statements that reveal a great misconception. Professional Services workers are often accused of solely being driven by status and monetary incentives. Personal Social Responsibility, even in the context of the work space, can never be about recognition or monetary rewards. If you don’t get that then perhaps PSR isn’t in the stars for you.

Some might say that I am just proving their point by flaunting my deeds in public like this. I choose to ignore my critics and continue my quest.

So now that I have got the taste for it all, what is the next step?

Stay tuned in and you will find out …

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